
Deathspank thongs of virtue xbox 360
Deathspank thongs of virtue xbox 360

Swarm is an action-platformer where you take direct control of 50 pudgy blue morons and drive them through an intense and suicidal gauntlet of destruction. This episodic role-playing adventure game is set in a highly. The wonderfully strange and hilarious minds of Penny Arcade creators Mike "Gabe" Krahulik and Jerry "Tycho" Holkins have joined with legendary game designer Ron Gilbert to bring you the insanity that is Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness. Other games developed by Hothead Games (5) Recent News Articles (5) | Submit News | Search DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue News (1) Latest Xbox LIVE Marketplace release schedule The co-op characters are basically meant as a support class in RPG standards, and they’re really only good for healing themselves and killing the occasional miscellaneous foe.All News for DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue (1) It feels tacked-on, as it doesn’t include any online co-op (which would have been a very welcomed addition), and the second player is extremely limited in what he can do. There is even a local cooperative aspect that might keep you and a friend entertained for a short while. The game itself is quite lengthy and can span upwards of 15-20 hours to complete, depending on if you’re one to finish many side-quests. It comes in handy since the bulk of the game involves an assortment of comical fetch-quests to keep you occupied during the riddles of the main plot. These shanty poop-shacks are widespread throughout the DeathSpank microcosm and even offer you teleportation as a means of transport. The checkpoint system is very forgiving, as death is boiled down to respawning at the nearest outhouse. If you’re looking for a difficult game, then you may want to look elsewhere. Overall, there are certainly more visually appealing downloadable titles on the market, but that’s not to say DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue isn’t without its charm.

deathspank thongs of virtue xbox 360

Colors gradually transition from day to night, depending on the area you’re in, and you’re treated to subtle environmental cues like raindrops or snowfall to acclimate the setting. The transitions when moving from one area to the next are nicely done as well. Parts of the landscape rise and fall beneath the horizon line of the foreground, and it almost feels like you’re walking around a giant globe. The game world also appears to have a slight curvature that’s easily distinguishable when wandering from place to place.

deathspank thongs of virtue xbox 360 deathspank thongs of virtue xbox 360

It gets away with using more two-dimensional textures than most games do these days because of its limited camera angles, and yet somehow it works well for itself. The overall presentation of the game is unique. The inventory even comes equipped with an “item grinder” that converts your possessions into their base monetary value, but it’s really only used to make room for better quality items you still wish to hold on to. Unfortunately, since the majority of weapons, armors, potions and health items can be scavenged off a downed enemy, it basically negates the use of money in the game. You would think that with this amount of plunderage the shops would play a more important role.

Deathspank thongs of virtue xbox 360